
If you want to contact John Wood or Karon Shea Directly

If you want to contact John Wood or Karon Shea directly about anything regarding your business with them you can try these numbers and email addresses.

John Wood’s cell number 617-710-7510 from Craig's List original posting
John Woods email norseman@excite.com
Karon Shea’s email karon@ksmmonline.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I see it you are stocking these people. It seems when you run out of thing to say you attack them in a different way.
You don't like them we all have read that, but you never worked with them. And the other people who have an issue should deal with them directly not threw a blogger that is trying to make a name for himself.
PS I don't know anyone of you and the way you attack, I don't want too!