
A Females experience with! John Wood, Richard Bertone, and Karon Shea

I don't believe in any of those three scam artists: Karon Shea, John and Richard Bertone;
the only place where I have seen them as being truly acclaimed is in claiming other peoples hard earned savings.

...oh...and just as an added remark~~~If mr. Bertone is really hired and used by that agency for all of his PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. If he is the only one we are pushed to use because supposedly he is oh sooo Knowledgable of what kinds of shots Karon Shea wants to represent and show off her company and high status....

Then why on earth was he pushing for nude shots behind white curtains???......yeah I don't know too much about profesionalism but that sure as heck does not seem like a shot that ANY composite card would have on it. Maybe some cute lingerei or something...MAY~BE>>>
I just know I was not there to try to get into the next penthouse edition either...so my conclusion is Richard is a pervert on top of everything else wrong with their little scam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK NOW I THINK YOU HAVE GONE OVER THE LINE WITH YOUR OPINION or YOU SAY Someones else's which is with out merit!!
SARA here again, I can not be leave your crap. I shot with him and we did a ton of different looks and yes some that I wanted to do with a few less clothes. Always the pro. I never felt like Richard was anything but a PRO!! I also know many other women that have shoot with Richard and never had a bad word to say. I don't know about this women,but my opinion she crazy.. Richard is married to an model that most us would love to look like. There is no need for him to look at anyone in any other way than as PRO. Even before he was married My girl friend shoot with him VERY PLAYBOY STYLE.( She wanted too.) And told me he was great.
Really you NEED TO GET A LIFE. If your on your horse trying to save all of us from them, way don't you go and see Richard, not just some fake call you said you did. Go see him, talk, see his work. I for one, don't find your crap helpful, just really don't think you know shit. Again as I said in other post, GET A LIFE!!!!I will have my friend comment on this one. PLEASE I don't know why she said that, my guess she wanted to do some nude stuff and he said no....